January 28 2018

Why Blogging? A reflection of purpose

Why Blogging?

I utilized blogging as a classroom learning tool a number of years ago. I began the journey back then, having read a great many articles on the subject of blogging and its use in education.  I was tremendously excited and enthusiastic about the topic. I was also in the process of obtaining my online teaching certificate and created this professional education blog as a component of the class.  I will say that after the class was over , a bit burnt out from the workload,  I found no pressing need to continue to communicate online using a blog medium. So yes, a large portion of the info here is older (2014). I couldn’t, however, bring myself to simply trash it! I felt and still feel the road was insightful and valuable. After all, it is  technology and I’m still a tech teacher and now, almost 4 years later,  I am finding myself revisiting this tool with new enthusiasm.

Technology: it’s safe to say, is here to stay. With so many social media platforms to choose from – from Facebook to Snapchat to Twitter –  every generation and profession seems to have it’s own specialized platform for communication. As a teacher we try to integrate technology as part of the overall learning experience. It is, after all, the method the younger generation of learners prefers to to use when absorbing information – everyday – all the time! It’s fast , it’s easy, and it’s convenient! It easily lends itself to the continual pursuit of knowledge and a life-of-learning.

So, as a winter Professional Development project, I decided to resurrect my class blog as a means to entice my students to get more involved both in class and with their learning as a whole. I have given  it a fresh new look and am excited to see how a whole new group of students will respond to using blogging to communicate in and for class. Instead of fighting the masses to stop texting and put their phones away (which I will continue to do), I want to provide an alternative means to communicate; a professional tool to share information online. A future goal would, of course, be for them to fully embrace the medium and continue to utilize  the tool. We just don’t have enough good writers these days! Feel free to check out my class blog and be sure to review our Safety tips page for class blogging guidelines.

Following is a list of what I believe are the top 5 reasons  for using blogging as a learning tool.

1. Engagement
2. Reflection leads to deeper learning
3. Authentic audience
4. Improved writing skills
5. Improved communication skills

I will be posting more information on each of these top 5 reasons over the next few months. I hope that you will agree the benefits are well worth the effort. Feel free to join us if you’d like, I’d love to hear your feedback and opinions. You can easily follow this blog by signing up for an email subscription at the bottom of our home page. A notification of All new posts and comments will automatically be sent to your email address. (You may unsubscribe at anytime.)

Thanks for learning and communicating through blogging with me!

Mrs. C

If you are curious about the History of blogging and it’s use as a business tool, A brief article  by Randy Duermyer @ the balance, Home Business presents a nice overview.

If you are curious about me , and would like additional information, you can find a brief bio on the About page at the top right of the home page.

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Posted January 28, 2018 by Mrs. C in category Blogging for Learning

1 thoughts on “Why Blogging? A reflection of purpose

  1. Ines

    Thank you, Miss C for sharing with us your Blogging experience. I will be following your upcoming posts with interest and will learn from your insights on inspiring our students in the art of posting and commenting with quality.


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