October 26 2014

Week 3-Interactivity Musings

According to the article,“The role you play in Online Discussions” ,by David Brown, the online instructor must be willing to take on multiple roles. These roles include community leader, discussion leader, manager , technical consultant and information resource person. Each role played adds value in multiple ways.  I do not think we , as online teachers ,need to be masters at every role. ( Although, it would be very nice) Significant strengths in any one or more areas, such as Manager , information specialist or tech guru can in fact compensate for lesser expertise in another area, such as discussion leader.  Do I think my master teacher could improve the student-student interactivity in the course? Absolutely. However, the course is strong in other areas and , as we are all discovering, there is only so much time in the day. It’s a process, one that evolves, grows and improves as we perfect our skills as teachers. We and the courses we teach are all works-in-process.


October 26 2014

Week 3 Tips for success

Ease the Uncertainty & Build Community.

A personal situation this week with regard to technology, lead me to review the article in our reading “Technology’s Impact on E-learning“.  In this article, Hoffman stresses  the need for preparation, mastery of the technology and keeping it simple in regard to unnecessary “bells and whistles”. What was not addressed is a  plan to cover the  inevitable ‘what if’ scenario.  What if the internet goes down?

I am a firm believer in a backup plan, for most everything. It’s probably a result of preferring to be ultra-organized, and the comfort level that this organization provides. This week I did not have a backup plan for class without an internet connection! Yeah, talk about an OMG moment! This circumstance, lead me to a closer review our reading, when I got connected, of course. I found Hoffman did not address this particular aspect of technology and how to handle the issue in our online teaching. I thought I might offer some valuable tips of my own.

As part of your initial Course Introduction and Welcome page, and/or your Syllabus, offer an emergency contact number or email and recommend steps to take in the event that you cannot connect to your online course. Also I would highly recommend that students have at least thought about what they might do in this situation. The instruction might resemble the following:

What to do if you lose your internet connection:

  1. Don’t panic! Anxiety just adds to the stress  and prevents you from thinking clearly and determining a logical plan of action
  2. Ask for help from a technical expert. They will be able to determine if the situation is temporary or more long term.
  3. Contact your instructor as soon as possible to inform them of your difficulty. Email or a post in the personal discussion board can be accomplished with a smartphone connection. Yes you will use data , but this is good use of your minutes. They need to know you have a legitimate excuse for not being ‘present’ on line.
  4. Have a backup plan. Chances are the entire universe in not without the  internet for a prolonged period of time. Contact friends or other family members to see if you can connect  at their location, and/or use their equipment. If you have a mobile device, tablet or laptop, relocate yourself to take advantage of that connection.

The key is to have a plan that you can quickly put into place, allowing for as little disruption to class as possible. Be sure to communicate your plan to your instructor.

This may seem obvious to many of us, but covering all the bases for a young or new online learner, can potentially alleviate that sense isolation  that may be present in the online environment. It can also build  teacher presence and improve your online community.



Hoffman, J. (2003, December 1). Technology’s Impact on E-Learning. WebJunction. Retrieved October 25, 2014.

October 25 2014

Week 3 – Creating Collaboration

Week 3 – How to Maximize Student Engagement

Jennifer Hoffman’s article Creating Collaboration states that “One of the current buzzwords in e-learning is collaboration.” Collaboration  is not only key in online learning but the best traditional f2f models strive to incorporate collaborative exercises into the classroom as well.  According to Rebeca Alber, in the article Deeper Learning: A Collaborative classroom is Key,  “In preparing our students for college and careers, 21st century skills call on us to develop highly collaborative citizens — it’s one of the 4 Cs, after all.” Rebecca and Jennifer both agree that collaboration doesn’t just happen, and scaffolding as well as a supportive environment is needed to achieve effective collaboration. Online tools , such as discussion boards and email can be used to encourage collaboration and participant interaction.

Fundamentally, Hoffman explains, collaboration is used for 2 reasons; to achieve engagement and support learning  goals. She also cautions us to not confuse  collaboration with communication.  True collaboration is much more difficult to achieve. It needs to be carefully directed by the facilitator but ultimately remain learner- centered. This then allows  a more natural collaborative mindset to be integrated into our daily lives. Both online and f2f classrooms should strive to engage students with true collaborative experiences that will reinforce our ultimate goal of encouraging life-long learning.



Alber, R. (2012, December 31). Deeper Learning: A Collaborative Classroom Is Key. Edutopia. Retrieved October 24, 2014.

Hoffman, J. (2012, March 21). Creating Collaboration. WebJunction. Retrieved October 24, 2014.

October 24 2014

Capstone E-Portfolio Desciption2


Entrepreneurship is a subject that I have taught for many years, however, It has always been presented as a series of units inside a broader Business class. This year, for the first time, I have segmented the material and will present it as a standalone semester length course. I have not examined it for potential online elements, and if truth be told, have not even formalized the lesson sequence or finalized the syllabus.  The only concrete language that exists today is the course description from our program of studies:

“Entrepreneurship takes business basics to the next level as students work through starting their own “virtual” business. Students are introduced to fundamentals of business ownership and marketing while developing a detailed business plan.  Students improve their knowledge of the business environment through textbook study and individual projects. Students explore the roles of the business owner, business manager and business leader as well as expand their fundamental computer skills through the extensive use of MS office and the Adobe CS6 Suite.”

My hope is to make the transition as seamless(for me) and as transparent (for my students) as possible, while adding substantial rigor to the existing content.  Project-based learning is essential to the development of necessary 21st Century Skills such as critical thinking and problem solving. My plan is to  incorporate significant tech elements into the new course through an integrated business plan project. The intent is to reinforce content with a hands-on learning experience that will ; reinforce computer skills, build self-confidence and encourage young entrepreneurs.


October 23 2014

Capstone E-Portfolio Description1


My practicum class is Entrepreneurship.  My master teacher does an outstanding presentation in the initial course overview and welcome post. She presents the course as a journey  and an adventure and offers multiple definitions and explanations of the concept.

 “Entrepreneurship is the process of identifying, developing, and bringing a vision to life. The vision may be an innovative idea, an opportunity, or simply a better way to do something. The end result of this process is the creation of a new venture, formed under conditions of risk and considerable uncertainty.”

And In her own words, as a further explanation, 

“To become an entrepreneur, then, means that we identify an opportunity and then organize and mobilize our resources to create an organization that produces and/or markets the product or service. And all of these steps are taken with the foreknowledge that the there is a lot of risk involved. For most small businesses, success is equated with planning. The greater the amount … of<planning>, the greater the probability of success and, therefore, the less risk of failure. For this course, the process of learning about entrepreneurship will focus on identifying an idea or opportunity and then developing a plan for the start-up and operation of the resulting business. Preparation of a business plan is the end product for this course…” A clear direction and proposed outcome that then becomes the primary goal of the coursework. The level of detail is appropriate and offers significant insight in order to develop realistic student expectations.

“THE HOOK” is inventive, attention grabbing and speaks for itself:

“Are you interested in starting your own business, or in being your own boss? Do you want to explore what’s involved in being a successful business owner, or do you have a really great business idea? Are you looking for the secret to success in life? Whatever your reasons are for signing up for this course, you will not be disappointed. So, “get in, sit down, hang on”, and prepare for a great adventure, as we explore the world of entrepreneurship!

The learning-centered approach is illustrated through a detailed outline of steps involved in constructing a business plan;

“The road to success is always under construction” is an adage that fairly accurately describes both the process of building a business and the plan for this course. In this entrepreneurship process we can roughly equate building a business with constructing a place of business. In order to be successful, both types of projects must:

      • begin with a unique idea
      • develop a detailed plan
      • lay a solid foundation
      • build from the ground up
      • incorporate all essential elements, and
      • consider and adjust plans for any risks

And support for the self-reliant learner, is also prepared and presented effectively;

“To be successful at building the plan for your business you need a set of tools:

    • reading, writing and computer skills,
    • ability to stick to a task until it is completed,
    • organization skills,
    • creativity and cooperation skills,
    • ambition,
    • business ingenuity,
    • and any other talents and skills you possess.

Through application of these tools you will learn how to turn your idea into a solid business plan that may ultimately lead to a successful business.”

With the detailed presentation and organization of the course expectations , a detailed syllabus, pre-planned assignments and lessons with pre-determined due dates , a motivated student can easily navigate the terms of the course. This allows for an online learner to develop and perfect time management skills and take ownership of their learning. This independence in the online environment definitely contributes to a self-reliant learner.

October 23 2014

Capstone E-Portfolio Introduction


  • Purpose & Audience:
    • My capstone project is a demonstration of many of the tools and methodologies used to develop and execute a successful online teaching environment. My immediate audience are the participants of this class, my class instructor and master teacher. Ultimately, I hope to expand my audience  to include other professionals in my learning community wishing to gain knowledge of the online pedagogy. I may also utilize this project as an opportunity to demonstrate my online teaching expertise for future employment in secondary- or post-secondary education.
  •  Standards & Goals:  
    •  My overall objective for completing this series of Online Teaching courses from VHS was to equip myself with what I feel are the necessary skills to successfully advance my teaching career.  I firmly believe that the future of education is online. Advancements in technology have provided many opportunities to expand education to a variety of learners. Many educational institutions are quickly realizing the advantages of this new educational model.
    • The primary goal of this capstone project , however, is to showcase the development of various projects I have utilized and incorporated into my existing classroom environment. My immediate intention is NOT to become an online teacher, but to seamlessly integrate technology into my current teaching practices. An alternate objective is also to utilize these tools and best practices in the development of a ‘flipped’ classroom. A secondary objective is to share what I have learned with my school colleagues and administration as well as provide examples and ideas within my professional learning community.
    • I also plan to apply the post-grad credits I have  obtained, to a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies (CAGS) in Curriculum and Instruction from Plymouth State University. (Note: This may belong in Future goals)
  •  Technology:
    •  This Professional Blog, Innovative Learning with Mrs .C is the primary means to communicate thoughts and artifacts within my e-portfolio. I will also use the class wiki to organize necessary information and share required links.  This serves as a learning model and and is an authentic demonstration of my primary learning objectives.